Moving for good tonight, and unfortunately I will not have regular Internet access. Hopefully this will change eventually. (more…)

Magic. It’s a source of stress for me, speaking as a world-builder. One half of me longs to completely revamp the existing rules, while the more cautious half is unwilling to sacrifice the players’ sense of familiarity with the standard magic system. What to do, what to do?

Compromise is inevitable.


What would a campaign be without a few tweaks and revisions to the rules? (more…)

NearbyGamers is a simple and useful site powered by Google Maps.

NearbyGamers is for people who play RPGs, CCGs, TCGs, wargames, board games — any tabletop game where you need a live human on the other side of a table if you want to play. Browse to find someone to start a game with, or sign up to put your own marker in the map.

Everyone and their Aunt Tilly should be on this thing.

“Secret” and/or clandestine organizations are the meat n’ taters of any decent setting. What follows is a (by no means complete) list of such operations found in the Rúksea Region. The existence of these particular groups is common knowledge to any peasant who ever spent time gossiping in a tavern… Which is to say, just about every peasant. (They’re a bunch of drunkards.)


Tansimir [tan-zih-meer]

  • Ruling Body: Princes of the Culkë Compact
  • Government: Confederacy of City-States
  • Capital: n/a
  • National Emblem: n/a
  • Wealth: High
  • People: Dyaths (85%), other (15%)


An oldish one, but I like it.

Props to Simon for introducing me to this strip.

Mortháyin [morth-eye-in]

  • Ruling Body: Emperor Naumazir IV
  • Government: Monarchy
  • Capital: Yúdin [yoo-din]
  • National Emblem: Black Crown & Stars on a Red Field
  • Wealth: Very High
  • People: Dyaths (96%), other (4%)


Note on the Time Line: “BR” is short for Baron’s Roll of Years. Baron Mogue (427-522 BR) was a renowned Dyath historian and scholar.

  • 1338 BR — Present
  • 1286 BR — Merchant Coup (Dyánmir)
  • 1117 BR — Dyánmir defects from Old Empire of Mortháyin
  • 840-884 BR — Years of the Sleeping Death
  • 717-722 BR — Second Dyath-Orsine War
  • 637-656 BR — First Dyath-Orsine War
  • 570 BR — Mortháyin Colony established
  • 512 BR — First Wave of Dyath settlers begins

    The myths and stories describing giants and their antics are varied according to the local folk traditions that produced them. However, some stories are universal. For instance, it is widely agreed upon that there is a group of gargantuan beings known as the Elder Giants, and that the eldest among them is a giantess named Ywaru.Ywaru is the mother of all giantkind and giantkin. Among her accomplishments are the invention of runes and the creation of the world. The other Elder Giants are her immediate offspring. All long-lived and powerful, they have been gifted with a large portion of their mother’s essence.
